All over the world, every culture on every continent use some form of head covering. We will be exploring the fascinating tradition of wrapping our heads, its influences and symbolism across the African diaspora.
It is sometimes possible to detect the geographic background of the wearer by the method and style in which they wrap their heads. Interestingly, there are two distinct styles: downwards for western cultures and upwards for African.Its appeal
The beauty and appeal of the hair wrap in black culture is the overall appearance. The uniquely organic shape sits on the head like a crown to beautifully frame the face and elongate the neck to give a very elegant and regal appearance.
The practice of wrapping heads during this time was largely compulsory for slaves to the extent that kerchiefs were issued as part of the uniform to differentiate roles on the plantation such as field slave and house slave.
In addition, communicating and courtships were restricted and controlled. The Madras head wrap became an ingenious instrument in which to communicate and the women created a head tie called the ‘Tête en l’Air ‘ or Tete Calendee (‘head in the air’), wrapped like a beret with added flourishes of peaks which were not just decorative but communicated crucial information to a potential suitor such as:
One peak – I am single.
Two peaks – I am married.
Three peaks – I am a widow.
Four peaks – I am available & can be approached for courting.
The gele (gay-lay) is the most popular form of head wrap and is worn by the Yoruba culture which extends from West Africa to Benin, Ghana and Togo, with its largest population in Nigeria.Today, geles are probably the most extravagant form of head wraps but this was not always the case. In traditional Yoruba culture it was much simpler in style and like the Tete en l’Air of the Caribbean its purpose was to communicate the wearer’s status depending on its structural lean:
A gele ends leaning to the left – I am single.
A gele ends leaning to the right – I am married.
Modern geles are opulent and flamboyant in order to display the wearer’s fabulousity. They are made from intricately woven fabrics of rich vivid yarns that convey the wearer’s sophistication and strong sense of style.
Gravity defying shapes require a certain level of grace and deportment to carry it off. The overall effect will not only to make you stand out from the crowd, but give the wearer a majestic elegance and graceful presence.
Today the wearing of the gele is the must-have fashion accessory associated more with conspicuous consumption than tradition. No longer restricted to only the wealthy, anyone can take part in displaying their wealth, aspirations and position in society.
We are fortunate enough to be able to make our own choices on whether to cover our heads or not. If you already wrap your hair you will already know the sense of pride you feel. If you have never wrapped your hair before, it may be something you may wish to try, for each time you do you will connect with thousands of years of heritage.
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